Sunday, July 13, 2008

Party Time

It's official. We work with a great group of people. Yesterday we went to a BBQ at our Creative Director's place. A lot of people from work were there with their significant others and such. It was a great time and we ate some old favorites. However, Brits (which about half of our agency is made up of) consider a sausage a hot dog and they put mustard AND ketchup on them.

After the BBQ we went to Bandeoke. It's like Kareoke but with the backing of a band instead of a machine. It was a lot of fun. It seems I'm going to enjoy my time here very much. Here's a few pictures to catch you up a bit. Also, I went to the Zoo today and will talk about it in my next post. I hope everyone is well. I wish I was home for the All Star festivities. Such a shame about Bobby Mercer. I hope they honor him this weekend.

Kaya Toast and Coffee. A local favorite. A new Matt favorite. I'll be bringing this stuff back for sure.

The immaculate MRT. They charge you based on how far you go so you don't have to spend $2 every time you ride. I think our most expensive ride to this point has only been S$1.80. CHEAP!!!

Enjoying some of the local fare on the way to Ikea. Yeah. They have Ikea here too.

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